Monthly Archives: January 2014


Hidden deep amidst the lull
Still shines her golden heart
Even though through time it dulls
Together or far apart.

I want to see those eyes glow again
And see that joyous smile
Until I do I’ll settle back
And wait and wish awhile.

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Does anyone have a favourite shape? I know that sounds a touch strange but we all have an affinity to one sense or other, be it touch, smell, sound etc. That doesn’t mean you don’t feel, see etc., just that you have a dominant sense. For me it’s sound, I prefer sound over the other senses.. well maybe taste comes close…

So I have a question for you… what is your favourite shape? I’m not too keen on the square, all sharp edges, and straight line. In the same way the oblong just doesn’t turn me on (or rectangle as my oldest boy has corrected me). Some people like something more complex like a star, representing many things (like Christmas or space). I like an oval.

I prefer smooth curves, more sensual I think and safer too. You don’t get people being stabbed by things shaped like an egg. A star could be fairly damaging if it hit you it the eye. A triangle would do some serious harm of course, especially if you fell on the pointy bit. There are lots of different shapes so lets see if you know any of or like any of these:

Pentagon – a good old fashioned 5 sides… a 50p piece… a government building in the US. This is a fairly safe one I think, the edges are not quite as sharp so can’t do much damage and it can almost roll.

Hexagon – if you prefer a shape with even numbers though it does comes with hints of devil worship or witchcraft. Even more like a circle…

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