Monthly Archives: November 2011

Animal Lover

Hello people.  I’m sat here with the shrill singing of the family budgies tweaking that part of the inner ear that doesn’t like to be tweaked.  It’s making my nerves jangle and my patience edge ever closer to the edge!  But thank goodness I’m a kind person, an animal lover, a man who can’t blame the poor creatures even though they are driving me stark raving mad! 


And while we are on the subject I do wish that very daring fly wouldn’t keep dive bombing me and bouncing off my forehead, trying as it will to hit my mouth (please I am a vegetarian and I do not want to feast on your ample current like body!).

At least the cat only pesters me when he’s hungry, which does happen to be all the time, but he does his pestering in a quiet but persistant manor (he has a hard little head underneath that lovely white fur).  The dog just stands there slobbering, which is unassuming if a bit messy.

Now the children, well that is quite a different matter, especially my youngest little love but they don’t win either, well, not much…

Now where are my ear plugs, where did I put them… ah, now you know labradors…  Well I suppose I could buy some new ones!


Filed under General

Life, Don’t Talk to me about Life!

It had to happen.  There I was motoring away, getting deep down into the joy of blogging when the real world, the one with work, family, bills, problems and so much other stuff, snuck up behind me and zapped me!  I’m not going to sit here and fill your life with my wows (though I will just say if you are ever tempted, do not, I repeat do not buy a Rover 75 – reasons by return of post). 

Needless to say I have found getting my Mojo working a tricky trick!  I was really pleased to be building up a nice following (thank you those who joined me here, it is so good to have some fellow travellers on the same wavelength you mad mad people), and I saw the visits diminish and a little cloud of regret settled over John land. 

But I looked today and suddenly I have a surge!  I’m not entirely sure why but it gave me a little nugget of warmth and no it wasn’t heartburn or a rash.  And so if you were one of those visitors, thank you.

I was begining to sound (and look) like the immortal Marvin of the paranoid android persuasion, but I will now take this small reward and once more venture forward.  The journey continues (once I find a nice reliable car…)


Filed under General