Tag Archives: thsnk you

Thank You

Only a short gap this time you’ll note, well four months which in one sense is a grain of sand on an infinite beach (probably Southport), and if we break it it down into milliseconds… Well you get my drift.

And drifting is what I’ve been doing, still working away from my home and though I accept it I still dream of a normal life where I get to spend more time in my own bed, in my own kitchen in my own garden.

Why a thank you?  I’ve been blogging for eight years and I’m by no means prolific, by no means as creative as I’d hoped back at the beginning of this decade.  Sometimes my output is brief, sometimes maybe lacking in passion but through all that there are a small band of people who keep liking or commenting and for that, a feeling of not spilling empty words into a vacuum I am very greatful.

Once upon a time before Bill Gates, or Apple and people wrote or typed personal thoughts which were hidden in books in drawers, and sometimes if luck came knocking those words would one day be shared (though many would have probably wished otherwise).  How many treasures were burned or dropped in a bin when the owner left (died or moved on)?

Now millions of people do this, an open dialogue.  Many more spill forth their every thought and feeling through various online forum or medium.  But I don’t expect anyone to read this so its warming when people do.

So thank you once again.

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Filed under General, Meanderings and Musings